We support you with finding work in Tokyo for the whole year, with the option of a pre-arranged ski season job over the winter.
Ski season jobs
Cool jobs in cool places, select JENZA Job to secure a 3-4 month ski season job before you go. Typical jobs include working as a spa attendant, concierge, front desk, snow clearer, housekeeper, chalet host, shuttle driver, bartender, ski instructor and more. You must be 20+ years old, and other than going for chef or instructor roles, you typically don’t need experience or formal qualifications. Hiring for jobs with Nov/Dec start dates typically open in July, and you must be available for the whole season. You’ll have access to our JENZA Job Hub where you can search, apply and video interview for vetted job.
Non-ski jobs
Select Own Job to find a job when you arrive in Tokyo. Other than working in nightclubs, dancehalls and gambling venues, your Japan working holiday visa allows you to do most jobs. Our in-country sidekicks, World Unite, will help you translate your CV, browse English-speaking jobs to identify suitable roles, as well as help with application letters, Japanese communication and checking work contracts. Typical jobs without speaking Japanese include working in Western restaurants, cafés and bars, hotels or ryokans (traditional Japanese guesthouses), or as an English-teacher (if qualified) or English-speaking childcare.