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Jenza Work Canada

Working holidays in Canada

Want to live in Canada for up to two years with visa support, a pre-arranged seasonal job and five nights' accommodation when you land? Do Canadian bears *beep* in the woods?

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Why do a working holiday visa Canada?

Home to chilled locals, cool cities and wild scenery that will happily blow your ski socks off – Canada is one of the most liveable countries in the world. And thanks to a flexible two-year working holiday visa and decent minimum wage, one of the most workable. With hills that are alive with the sound of seasonal workers, hit the ground/slopes/trails running with a 4-6 month summer or ski season job when you arrive - usually with subsidised accommodation and perks such as lift passes. Or carve your own path with jobs related to your trade or profession. Plus, UK passport holders can now work this visa until they're 35!

Illustrated black footprints

Roadtested experiences

Hear from travellers who’ve been there and worn the ‘I heart Ryan Reynolds’ tee. Our roadtesters trial every JENZA experience to ensure it serves our travel community first.

Black laptop and sunglasses

Unlimited Job Hub access

The worst part of job hunting? All of it. Which is why we source and vet hundreds of jobs. Interview before you go, when you land and for your whole visa.

Black illustrated coconut cocktail

Yes to no stress

From guiding you through the working holiday visa process to bed nights, job workshops and bank account support when you land – we help work out all the details.

Get on board

Work Canada | £749

We provide the visa application help, pre-arranged job and arrival support you need to spend up to two years living and working overseas in Canada.

Starting in Vancouver or Toronto, our optional group start dates allow you to spend the first six days of your Canada working holiday with people like you. With five nights’ hostel accommodation, arrival orientations and job workshops – it’s the best way to settle into Canadian life before starting work.

Working holiday visa Canada update The IEC Canada visa pools for 2024 visa applications are now open. The earlier you enter the pools, the more draws your name will be exposed to – increasing your chances of getting a visa. So get your skates on!

To work in Canada, you must have a work permit from International Experience Canada (the IEC). The IEC visa allows you to work for up to 24 months in any industry, other than the sex industry. You’re only allowed one visa per lifetime, so it’s designed to grab life by the snowballs and make it count.

There are only a limited number of IEC Canada visas each year, and so applications work via a pool system. (Not the fun pina colada kind, the kind where if your name is drawn out, you’ll be sent an ‘Invitation to Apply’ for your work permit).

Fast forward some more forms and a biometrics appointment, and you'll receive your ‘Port of Entry’ letter to work in Canada. You then have 12 months to enter the country.

The IEC visa pool opens in Dec/Jan each year, and usually stays open until Sep/Oct. Applying early ensures your profile is exposed to the maximum number of name draws.

  • You must hold one of these European passports
  • Check the link above to find out whether you need to have your ‘Invitation to Apply’ letter before your 31st or 36th birthday
  • Have proof of CAD $2,500 in support funds
  • No criminal convictions from the last five years
  • Most applicants are required to have a police background check

    Confused? Scroll the page to watch Jessie explain the visa process.

Your visa allows you to do casual or career work. Typical backpacker and gap year jobs include working in tourism, hospitality, sales, labouring, childcare, retail and seasonal work in ski and summer resorts.

Seasonal jobs are the most popular options for travellers when they first arrive – working as a housekeeper, server, barista, chef, lift attendant, rental technician, driver or ski instructor. The minimum wage differs per state or province, with Alberta, Ontario and British Colombia all around the CAD $15 mark. Most of our pre-arranged ski and summer season employers pay between $15-21 an hour, plus tips where applicable.

You can also work in industries related to your career, education or trade – such as nursing, beauty, marketing, finance, recruitment and everything between. Here your earning potential will be higher, especially with a two-year visa to build up your experience.

SWAP (our in-country partners) run your in-person arrival orientation every Wednesday in Vancouver and Toronto, but you can arrive at any time and we can book your 5 nights' hostel accommodation around your flights. Virtual arrival orientations for Banff and Calgary are every Thursday.

SWAP run monthly events such as hockey games, baseball games, outdoor movie nights and walking tours - which usually run on the third and fourth weeks of the month (although not guaranteed as it relies on game timetables etc). If your arrival doesn't coincide with an event but you're still in Toronto or Vancouver, you're welcome to head along!

  • Step-by-step guidance with your IEC visa application
  • 2 nights’ hostel accommodation in Vancouver or Toronto
  • Arrival orientation, city walking tour and social events
  • Support with the basics such as opening a bank account
  • Comprehensive job workshop when you land + CV writing
  • Job database and accommodation listings for two years
  • Facebook group + activities to meet other Jen-setters
  • Plus, access to our working holiday hubs and 1-on-1 accommodation, job and CV support of our teams in Vancouver and
  • Toronto for the whole of your trip.
  • A pre-arranged 4-6 month summer or ski season job in either British Colombia, Ontario or Alberta
  • Subsidised staff housing (depending on your employer) on a first come first served basis.

Support funds (CAD $) You are required to show proof that you can access CAD $2,500.

Travel insurance for Canada You may be asked for your policy documents at immigration, so you must take out comprehensive travel insurance to cover you for your whole stay. For example, if you book a six-month policy to save money, you run the risk of your visa being stamped for that duration – not the full duration of your visa.

In-person biometrics appointment This is a condition of your visa and currently costs CAD $85.

Visa fee Canada This is paid directly to the Canada Embassy and currently costs CAD $272.

Canada police background check You need to provide a police check for every country you have continuously lived in for 6+ months since the age of 18. The process and cost varies per country.

You shaped travel

What our Canada roadtesters had to say

"I’ve felt so much more secure knowing that I had a job and had accommodation to stay somewhere.” Meet our JENZA roadtesters, Mia and Laura, who left Australia for a season working at Sunshine Village in Banff.

Winter wrapped up

Canada winter job fair

We're making light work of this whole hiring thing. Meet our employers face-to-face and get hired on the day at our JENZA x BUNAC Canada winter job fair. Four Seasons Whistler, Blue Mountain, Panorama and the Fairmont are dropping in to do in-person interviews at our London HQ on 31 May-2 Jun. There are 200 jobs up for grabs – from servers to ski instructors. Book your interview slot in your online account. Based elsewhere in the world or washing your hair that weekend? Virtual interview dates coming soon!

We promise to wear pants

Book a call

Not sure whether you want to do a ski season in Canada, a summer camp in the States or a gap year doing all of the above? All our JENZA Support Squad have worked the world, so can give you firsthand advice on where to go, what jobs you can do, and how the heck to fill out that visa form.


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JENZA Travel International Ltd, trading as JENZA, is a company registered in Dublin, Ireland with Registered Company No. 707281 and registered address at 29-31 South William St, Dublin, Ireland, D02 EY96.