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International internships

We geek out about interning overseas. Travel that allows you see the world WHILE ALSO giving you a leg up in your career? Here’s the what, why and where on interning abroad.

Grow your skills, build your network and live abroad with JENZA Intern.

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Put your career on the map

Why do an internship abroad?

Think of an overseas internship as field work for your degree. It’s the opportunity to put your academic achievements into a professional workplace environment. And in a competitive job market and increasingly connected world, an overseas internship can be the clincher for making your resume stand out. You’ll build a global network, get international work experience and be exposed to different cultural and professional environments - showing future employers you’re adaptable, culturally aware and willing to take on new challenges.

What is an internship abroad?

An international internship is an overseas work placement that allows you to get hands-on entry-level work experience in your chosen field. Usually taken by students and graduates for either academic credit, over university summer holidays or after graduation – internships are usually between 1-12 months and can be paid or voluntary. For countries that offer an international internship visa, the purpose is for overseas students to learn from that country’s industry professionals, while also experiencing new cultures and ways of working.

Why intern abroad vs at home

Interning anywhere, home or abroad, will be invaluable work experience. But if you have the means, spending time overseas while you have the visa opportunity (and before your life’s circumstances, family or work commitments kick in) will hands-down be one of the most worthwhile things you’ll do. It can shape who you are – personally as much as professionally. To help get there, we’d recommend exploring university and government funding and bursaries in your home country. We also have our own Youth Access Scholarship Fund on our ‘How we impact’ page.

All international internships experiences

JENZA Job Hub is a resource for you to independently search and reach out to our database of pre-qualified UK employers actively looking for international interns. Our team is actively onboarding new employers and adding placement opportunities to the Job Hub weekly. We aim for a mix of companies, internship types and locations to match the background and interest of our participants.

If you are looking for a more bespoke support with finding a placement, our team can advise on a placement partner who will be able to help. We work with 20+ placement partners whose service is finding customized placement opportunities for individual candidates. They are familiar with the internship requirements needed for us to sponsor you under the UK Temporary Work GAE visa. You will pay the placement partner for this service and pay the 'Own Placement' cost to us when you pay your Intern UK balance in full.

We can sponsor you to come to the UK to do either a paid or voluntary (unpaid) internship.

  • If your internship is paid, your salary will be negotiated directly with your UK employer. Salaries will vary between location, company and industry – but they must meet UK’s National Minimum Wage legislation.
  • If your internship is voluntary, your status will be that of a 'volunteer'. As a voluntary intern, you are not under contract and you will not receive a wage or any tangible benefit, such as accommodation.

As with the process to sponsor paid internships, we go through the same process for voluntary internships – vetting the internship, your employer and your training plan. On your training plan we look for good rotation around various departments/areas of an organisation and strong objectives for each period.

Unfortunately not. The purpose of the Temporary Work GAE visa and the Intern UK program is to experience living and interning in the UK. We would encourage you to make the most of getting practical work experience via your internship, growing your industry connections, and experiencing everything the UK has to offer. As some internships may be voluntary, you must make sure you have enough funds to cover your time in the UK without having a second job.
Unfortunately not. Your UK sponsorship is granted based on your application to complete a specific internship. No changes can be made once your sponsorship is issued and your visa is in process.
Yes, this is a multi-entry visa, so you can leave and re-enter the UK as many times as you like. This is great for exploring Europe at weekends, during time off, and before and after your placement. Any time spent out of the UK will not be added to the visa length.
No, unfortunately our sponsorship does not allow you to bring a dependent with you to the UK.
Unfortunately, your visa sponsorship is for the length of your internship offer and cannot be extended. You'd need to return home and complete the process again for a second internship (if eligible). And this must be with a different company.
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A young woman with sunglasses on and her hands in the air outside a phone box

Just graduated and having a ‘what’s next?’ moment?

The UK is one of the top places in the world to do an internship overseas. But there's an expiration date on nailing that global experience and British accent. You must have entered the UK and started your internship within 24 months of your graduation certificate.

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Work Canada | Everything you need to know

Virtual travel talk | 16 Oct @ 17:30 GMT

Looking for a fresh start? The most liveable cities and the coolest ski resorts, Canada is the ultimate working holiday visa. Join our Canada Crew for all the intel on who can go, when you need to apply, and what types of jobs you can do. Plus, that age old question - summer or winter in Canada? (Both being the correct answer!).

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In-person camp hiring days | UK + Ireland

26 Oct Manchester | 28 Jan Dublin | 01 Feb London

Meet Camp Directors face-to-face, connect with others heading to camp, and (fingers crossed) get hired on the day. To register your interest, apply for Summer Camp USA and let us know which city you'd like to attend. We can't wait to see your face, but don't worry if you can't make an in-person event - the quickest way to get hired is in our hiring pool.

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