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Good ‘ol Blighty

Work and travel in the UK

Whether you’re looking to pay your way on your round the world or further your career in the Big Smoke (London), a UK working holiday is a rite of passage. We’d go for the roast dinners alone.

Lickety split! Our UK employers are hiring right now.

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Ps and Qs

Why work and travel in the UK

Quaint, quirky and quintessential – the UK plays its part down to a tee (or should that be tea). With cider-filled countryside, kiss-me-quick seaside towns and elegant cities straight out of a Richard Curtis Brit flick – history and architecture are everywhere. And where it’s not, there’s usually a creaky 500+ year old pub to dive into. But it's the UK’s non-conformist streak that makes it such a unique place to live and work. That alternative attitude that produces the best musicians, the most eccentric artists, the angriest chefs and the most satirical comedy. It’s a place to make it – into whatever version you fancy being.

Union Jack Illustration

When to go

The UK has a bad rep weather wise. Some of it is deserved – the winters can be dark and wet, and the summers hit and miss. But wrapping up in front of cosy pub fire or dancing in the rain at Glasto is all part of the charm. And when you get that perfect crisp wintry walk or hot summers day knocking back Pimm’s in the park, there’s nowhere prettier.

Illustrated falling dollar bills

What it pays

How much you earn depends on where you live and what your qualifications are. If you’re looking to do casual work, expect to earn the minimum wage (£10.18 for 20-22 year olds) or above, plus tips. The average salary in the UK is £33K, although this differs massively depending on your industry, experience and where you live – with London being higher.

London Skyline Illustration

Where to go

Most working holidaymakers tend to start in London, where there’s heaps of casual work in pubs and restaurants and a competitive but lucrative job market in every industry under the sun. Talking of sun, the UK’s scenery is stunning – so a summer on the coast working in hospitality jobs will guarantee okay money, but amazing beaches and quality banter.

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Upcoming Events

Virtual travel talk | Tue 30 Apr '24 @ 19:00 (GMT)

Working holidays with JENZA - Everything you need to know

Want to go travelling or planning a gap year, but don't know where to go and what you can do? Our escape artists (otherwise known as the JENZA Support Squad) are here to give you the rundown on all our work overseas opportunities.

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Virtual travel talk | Thu 2 May '24 @ 17:30 (GMT)

Intern UK with JENZA - Everything you need to know

What do you get if you cross career goals + travel goals? Whether you're a current student looking to get ahead this summer, need academic credit as part of your degree, or you're a recent grad needing professional work experience - Intern UK is a slam dunk for your resume. Find out more, meet the JENZA team, and ask all your questions at our virtual travel talk.

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Free virtual info event - Wed 22 May '24 @ 19:00

Summer Camp USA - Everything you need to know

Spend your summer living, earning and having the time of your life as an Activity Specialist or Camp Counsellor in the USA. Job placement and new BFFs included. Join our travel talk for the need to know on visas and how JENZA helps you land a job before you go.

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BUNAC Travel Services Ltd trading as “JENZA” is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 01391030 and registered address at 5 Richbell Place, London, UK, WC1N 3LA.