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Land Down Under

Work and travel in Australia

Never have I ever… surfed before work in Bondi, dived the Great Barrier Reef, worked in a vineyard, camped in the Outback. Australia – makes you lose at hostel games.

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Wonderful Oz

Why work and travel in Australia?

Barefoot islands, lush rainforests, tropical reefs… Australia has natural wonders by the bucket load. Along with legendary surf towns and some pretty out there Outback towns, it also does cool and cultural cities in spades – with a flat white and boho boutique seemingly on every corner. The laid-back Aussie lifestyle is legendary, and it’s impossible not to get swept along for the ride. (Although we’re drawing a firm line in the sand at budgie smugglers).

Need to know before you go

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Where to go

Australia practically invented the ‘work when you want, travel when you want’ working holiday mentality. You can work anywhere, choosing to pick up casual or career jobs in iconic cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane of Perth – or work to fund your adventures on the road. You’ll have access to a working holiday job database for the first 12 months of your visa.

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What it pays

Australia has a high minimum wage, currently AUD $24.10 an hour. The cost of living can be high, so if you’re concerned, opt for hospitality or seasonal work which often includes subsidised accommodation. Resort jobs are great for living where the tourists pay to go, and fruit picking or farm work are an amazing way to experience an authentic slice of Australia.


When to go

Australia’s cruisy attitude has a lot to do with the weather, but it’s not beach hair and board shorts all year. Oz has long summers (Nov-Mar) and mild winters (Jun-Sep). But as with all things nature-related in Oz, there are extremes. Like snowy ski resorts in New South Wales and Victoria in winter, and cyclones in the tropical north in summer.

Work in Australia


What are my options?

Who you gonna call?

Let's talk Australia

Get some facetime with our amazing JENZA Support Squad. When they’re not posing for pool pics, they’re making your work aboard adventures happen with their endless enthusiasm and mad traveller skills. These include: parent whispering, visa geekery and the ability to pack a backpack in 30 seconds flat.

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JENZA Travel International Ltd, trading as JENZA, is a company registered in Dublin, Ireland with Registered Company No. 707281 and registered address at 29-31 South William St, Dublin, Ireland, D02 EY96.