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What it's really like to travel solo

Real talk from traveller Victoria on what it's actually like to explore the big wide world on your own.

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Hey you! I’m Victoria, a 25-year-old who has spent a lot of my time recently travelling on my lonesome. I'm currently solo travelling around Bali and moved out to Australia on my own on a working holiday visa last year.

There are so many highs of travelling to your own beat but the reality is it can be tough at times too. So to prep yourself for a big trip solo - here are some of the realities i've found when travelling on my own and ways that I make it easier for myself.

1. Plan and prepare

I think the number one thing I always do before heading off on a solo adventure is to make sure I have a good plan and know what I want to do when I get to the destination. The last thing you want is to be travelling all by yourself and then feel unprepared and overwhelmed when you arrive. Doing a lot of research is a vital part of this step, even if you don’t have things booked and ready at least you have an idea of the things you’d like to do when you get there. Book your first few nights' accommodation and work out how you’ll get there, create a list of cafes or restaurants you’re excited to try and save them on a map, jot down the activities you’re keen to do and areas you want to explore. This will make the adjustment in those first few days much easier to handle if you have a good understanding of the location you’re about to head off to.

2. It can get lonely

It’s completely normal to feel lonely or isolated when solo travelling, and it will happen at some point during your trip so be aware of this. I remember arriving in Sydney in October 2023, all by myself and I was thinking “what am I doing?!” I thought I made the completely wrong decision, and I didn’t know why I was there, but I knew I owed it to myself to give it a chance. My biggest tip for making friends and forming relationships whilst solo travelling is to use social media. I met some of my best friends through TikTok and Instagram, this really helped me feel settled quickly because I had someone to go to the beach with or to go out for breakfast with. Then you meet their friends, and then friends of their friends, and it really snowballs from there. Joining Facebook groups is a brilliant way to connect with people abroad too, and just remember that you’re not in this on your own, so many people solo travel and there is probably someone out there in the exact same boat as you.

3. Be comfortable in your own company

Now this one is actually hilarious because I used to HATE my own company, I was the kid growing up who had to be around people and couldn’t do anything on my own (sorry mum). Yet here I am, travelling around Bali for seven weeks completely by myself and I love it.

Before solo travelling, I think you should spend some time in your own company, go out for dinner by yourself, spend a day in a new city in your home country. Doing things by yourself before you leave is really going to give you the best chance when solo travelling, because there will be lots of times when you need to take yourself out for a solo dinner date, or you’re getting a sleeper bus to your next destination completely on your own.

Remember, there will also be lots of amazing times spent with new people you have met but prepare yourself for the times you do need to be by yourself and enjoy it. Every little part of solo travelling is an achievement, I always say “The minute you get on a flight by yourself, is the minute that you are capable of anything”.


Sunrise kayaks in Sydney with a new best friend


Solo travels in Bali


Sunset solo strolls in Australia

Victoria smiles in a grassy field at camp


Victoria Whitehouse

Originally from Birmingham in the UK, Victoria got the travel bug good after spending her first summer at camp in Pennsylvania back in 2018. Since then she’s travelled a whole lot, lived abroad in Australia and Bali, gone to summer camp again (many, many times) and is really living her best life. Where you’ll find her: at the beach for sunrise.

“Every little part of solo travelling is an achievement. I always say - the minute you get on a flight by yourself, is the minute that you are capable of anything”

4. Stay in touch with home.

Now this one changes from person to person. Some travellers find it better to disconnect a bit from home to be able to fully immerse themselves in their new adventure, while others need to stay in touch. Do what feels best for you.

If you ARE struggling or need to connect with family and friends then do it - home is only ever a phone call away. I usually feel so much better after having a gossip with my friends on Facetime or a phone call with my family. Having a good support system from friends or family will make your travels so much more enjoyable. Send photos home all the time, write postcards, start a blog or travel TikTok account (like me), share your stories with family and friends and just know that home is rooting for you to have the best time away.

5. Be present and stay in the moment.

Solo travelling is only temporary, it might be a holiday, a longer trip, or a few years working abroad, so try to live in the moment and really make the most of it. Yep, there will be difficult days and times when you want to throw the towel in, you feel like you’re missing out on home stuff or just cba and want to watch a comfort movie in bed (let yourself do this). But the most important thing is to try and stay present and enjoy every new experience as much as you can. Because before you know it, your trip will be coming to an end and you’d give anything to be boarding that plane for the first time again.

If you’re reading this and have some tips of your own or you’d like to write for us on a topic that affects you when you travel, we’d love to hear them. Slide into our Instagram DM’s or send us an email and let us know.


Victoria smiles in a grassy field at camp


Victoria Whitehouse

Originally from Birmingham in the UK, Victoria got the travel bug good after spending her first summer at camp in Pennsylvania back in 2018. Since then she’s travelled a whole lot, lived abroad in Australia and Bali, gone to summer camp again (many, many times) and is really living her best life. Where you’ll find her: at the beach for sunrise.

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